Vilken vinst i sista hemmamatchen innan slutspelet!
Sollentunas elitherrar besegrade formstarka Örkelljunga med 3-0 (25-18, 25-21, 25-18) hemma i Arena Satelliten på lördagen.
Coach Lauri kommenterar:
– What a wonderful thing to have most players healthy and back on the court. We have had an interesting season, a good first half followed by many health issues, and some of them not sports related. We have played well lately though, and that is a statement to the caliber of players we have. Many have had to play a position foreign to them, and we have started seven out of our last ten matches all with a different line-up simply out of necessity.
Första och andra platsen i tabellen är redan klara men striden om tredje, fjärde och femte platsen är tät och fortfarande kan saker hända.
Men Lauri fortsätter:
– So after quite a bit of adversity it was nice to see most guys healthy and back in action. And again, like many times this season, we were very good when it was needed of us. We beat a strong Örkelljunga team in straight sets with a season best performance. With only a few rounds left, our focus is purely on our own developement still. Whoever we play in the playoffs is irrelevant; all teams will be tough, and the most unified team will advance to semifinals when the time comes.
Tabellen 2018-03-04
Redan nu på onsdag väntar nästa match borta mot Södertelge och sedan tabelltvåan Hylte/Halmstad på söndag 11 mars.
Under veckan ska tabelltrean Falkenberg även dem ta sig an Hylte/Halmstad för att sedan möta serievinnarna Linköping i sista matchen.
Femman Örkelljunga har bara en match kvar och i den möter de Habo hemma.
Läs mer om slutspelsvalet på elitseriewebben.