BigStep 2024


BigStep är tillbaka! Efter 14 år kommer BigStep tillbaka som en spännande och rolig start på säsongen!

Tankar efter dubbelhelgen hemma

Det var en intensiv volleyhelg och våra elitlag spelade både lördag och söndag, alla hemma i Arena Satelliten. Resultatmässigt blev det blandat; en förlust och en vinst för vardera laget.

På lördagen var det de guldtippade Hylte/Halmstad som gästade, båda matcherna slutade med förlust 0-3. På söndagen var det Lindesberg och Södertelge som kom och siffrorna blev de omvända, två 3-0 vinster.

Damernas head coach Alberto Chaparro kommenterar:
It was a long week for the girls where I have to remark the big effort the players did, not easy for a shorter team facing a week with 2 games.
On Saturday we faced one of the strongerst team in the series with talented and experienced players. the score is clear but doesn’t show what really happened during the game. Hylte had to fight all balls to score point for themselves. the girls in Sollentuna showed the figther spirit we are building day by day.
This time it was not enought but we have a long season to keep practicing to make it work.

On Sunday the picture was the other way around, Lindesberg was pushing hard to keep the score even during the sets but our girls had control of the game in their hand with a stable and a consistent serve, continuous progression in our block/defence.

Foto: Håkan Wendler


Herrarnas head coach Saulius Matikonis säger:
The guys did well in both games and achieved the targets which is important for self-confidence going forward. The game consists of many details and all of them are important, everyone on the team is important and contributing in different ways. Knowing how to learn is vital for development. We all have room for improvement to become the best possible version of ourselves. We need to recognize the mistakes and focus on why they happened and how to fix them in the future. We are in the process together, learning and growing day by day!


Foto: Håkan Wendler


Sollentuna – Hylte/Halmstad (dam)  0-3 (18-25, 16-25, 16-25)

Matchens lirare SVK: Elin Arnerdal
Poängbäst i SVK
– Elin Arnerdal: 10
– Nora Andersson: 8
– Ida Larsson: 6

Sollentuna – Hylte/Halmstad (herr) 0-3 (20-25, 22-25, 21-25)

Matchens lirare SVK: Joonas Huhtakangas
Poängbäst i SVK
– Kai Wendler: 11
– Jakob Molin: 10
– Peter Blomgren: 8

Sollentuna – Lindesberg (dam)  3-0 (25-18, 25-12, 25-15)

Matchens lirare SVK: Nina Lupin
Poängbäst i SVK
– Ida Larsson:13
– Nora Andersson: 12
– Isabelle Falck: 10

Sollentuna – Södertelge (herr)  3-0 (25-16, 25-19, 26-24)

Matchens lirare SVK: Joar Jämtsved Millberg
Poängbäst i SVK
– Jakob Molin: 21
– Kai Wendler: 13
– Peter Blomgren: 9

Nästa match

Båda lagen har sina nästa matcher lördagen 23e oktober.
Herrarna bortamatch i Vingåker kl 14.00
Damerna tar emot IKSU hemma i Satelliten kl 15.30
