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Utländska spelare i Sollentuna: Hur hamnade Dave Egan här?

Den svenska elitserien får varje år förstärkningar från andra länder. Det kommer hårtslående, spektakulära spikers, långa, effektiva centrar och smarta spelfördelare till Sverige för att hjälpa lagen att prestera det där extra som kanske leder till ädla valörer i slutspelet. Till den här säsongen kom Dave Egan till Sollentuna efter några år i en annan svensk klubb. Dave är en mycket skicklig spelare och en ödmjuk person. Tiden får utvisa vilken effekt han har på årets lagprestation.

– Kombinationen passare till herrlaget och tränare till damlaget passade oss i Sollentuna som handen i handsken. Dave är skicklig som spelare och en entusiasmerande tränare som får laget att lyssna, säger sportchef Claes-Göran Eriksson.

Läs intervjun med Dave:

Where are you from?

I grew up in Toronto, Canada and went to university for five years in Fairfax, Virginia USA (30 km outside of Washington DC)




Why are you playing volleyball abroad?

I came over to Europe to do something different and exciting after university. I planned on being over here just a year or two, but loved it too much to stop.

Dave Egan coaching

How come you are playing in Sweden?

My agent found me a job to be both a player and coach in Vingåker for their men’s eliteserien team. I was there three years and then moved to Sollentuna this year. I met my now sambo, Malin, during my second season and if it wasn’t for her I probably wouldn’t still be in Sweden. I’m very happy that I am though!

Which season abroad is this for you?

This is my fifth season as a pro. My first year I played in Portugal for a team in Ponta Delgada, a city in the Azorean Islands. Then three seasons for VVK, and now here in Sollentuna.

What is fun/less fun with being a ”pro”?

Most things are great being a pro! When you’re a kid people always tell you that when you grow up you need to try and find a job you love and that’s what I’ve done. I’m very lucky that way. As Björn Gustavsson would say, I’m “living the dream!” (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=peAdaK4ey5U )

Dave Egan setting

What do you think of the Swedish elitserie?

I think the eliteserien is a quality volleyball league with some very, very talented players. On the men’s side, every team is capable of winning against anyone else. The women’s side isn’t quite that even, but the top 6 or 7 teams are all very good.

If you compare the game in your team to at home, what can you tell us?

At university the players were usually a little bigger and stronger than the players in the eliteserien. At university though players are mostly under 22 years old and the players in the league here are much more experienced and much smarter.

You are now beginning the finals, what are your expectations?

For the women the expectations are to be very competitive and give ourselves a chance to win every match and every series. We are capable of doing some very good things. For the men, winning the quarterfinals is a must, although it won’t be easy. I think we have the talent to win SM Guld and that’s where are goals need to be.