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Herrarnas säsong 2022/23

Herrarnas väg fram till slutspelet var snårig men väl där kunde man säkra ett SM-Brons!

Det blev en väldigt udda säsong för våra herrar även om det började bra, Head Coach Jukka berättar:
The visit here in Sollentuna in April 2022 and building the roster with the club for this season went well. We had quite a lot of new players coming to SVK and the roster seamed to be large enough to enter the season. In the summer players did individual preparation for upcoming season I think that we were in really good place to start the training season in August, when we (me and my family) arrived to Sollentuna.

After the beginning there were many bumps on the road until the end of the season. Mainly injuries, work related matters with some players and some really unfortunate accidents put us to the situation, where our playing roster was in constant change. Building our way to play as a team took set backs because of that. We wanted to be a well defending and aggressive team with every aspect of the game. Even when there were a lot of new players coming in to the team along with the new coach and a lot of changes in the training squad, I think that we formed to be quite a good and functioning unit in the end of the season.

Laget hade som mål att nå GP men några nyckelmatcher gick inte som hoppats, Jukka fortsätter:
Not able to be in Grand Prix was a big let down for us and also the final position after the regular season (7th) was not what we were aiming for back in August. The players did their best during regular season and the result never lie. When we started playoffs (18.3.) with our home match against Falkenberg we finally had that roster ready to play, for the first time in the season, that was planned to be there from the beginning of the season. Still in the playoffs there were some set backs, but we fought really well in these playoffs.

Peter Blomgren lägger till:
En lite lätt skadedrabbad säsong kan man väl säga att vi haft. Både tuff start och tufft slut.
Vi har lyxen av en djup trupp som trotts sina unga år och utan elitserie erfarenhet lyckats hålla oss kvar på slutspelsplats.
Det tillsammans med en mirakulös comeback av Molle gör att vi ändå kan avsluta säsongen relativt nöjda.

Jukka avslutar:
Winning over the 2nd team after regular season and getting bronze medals after semifinals against Habo & bronze matches against Lund is an achievement that we can be really proud of! The season brought back to our minds that even if the sport is a really important thing for us in the club, there are way bigger things that really matters. The comeback of Jakob Molin after his accident and playing great last games after all will stay in my mind for the rest of my coaching career! I am leaving the club with really happy thoughts because of the players, staff and the whole club were really good to me and my family and it was really easy to be part of the community and to work in it!

Thanks to everyone who were involved in this season!

Stort Tack och Grattis!

Johan Lindström, Kaius Peltonen, 9 Jakob Molin, 2 Shawn Ogbeide, 17 Johan Nilsson, 7 Tim Skogfors, 13 Svante Fridström, 3 David Gudeta, 10 Grigorij Kan, Jukka Lehtonen
15 Albin Öijen, 6 Lucas Nordström, 5 Oliver Saxlund, 8 Peter Blomgren, 11 Ture Westerberg
14 Kai Wendler, 4 Joonas Huhtakangas
12 Joar Jämtsved Millberg, 1 Matthew Aubrey
Saknas på bild: 16 Christian Hansson, 19 Bruno Fridström